Brandon Routh’s second film role set in the DC Universe is, shall we say, somewhat smaller than his previous one. But it’s still got a pretty great suit.
In fact, I think I like it better than the Ant-Man suit, so take that, other shrinky superhero. We’ll be able to see Routh in action as Ray Palmer, The Atom, in upcoming episodes of Arrow and The Flash. In the meantime, enjoy the following dramatization of a TMS office conversation:
Jill: Huh. No atom symbol on his chest.
Susana: Actually, the angled shape on his chest is pretty accurate to comics. And the atom symbol is usually on his head.
Jill: I could have sworn the atom was on his chest. Who am I thinking of?
Susana: Captain Atom? Lieutenant Atom? Atom Man? Atom-Master? Mister Atom?
Jill: Atom Smasher.
Susana: Riiiiiight.
(via Variety)
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Published: Feb 3, 2015 7:57 PM UTC