In the spirit of everyone tasting the rainbow for the next couple of weeks, Burger King’s branch in Austria has thrown its hat into the inclusivity ring with a Pride Whopper. As a Black disaster bi, I know that this comes with the territory of the month (with a double dose on Juneteenth). Toothbrushes are gonna get rainbow variants along with mouthwash, sunglasses, and whatever else fits on an endcap at Target. And look, I’m not immune to the attempts. I grew up in a time when no one would ever dream of featuring a “my wife, from your wife” anniversary card, so some of these corporations get an “awwwww” from me. That being said, this Burger King Whopper? Hilarious. Just… what is it even supposed to MEAN???
Choices were made
I initially caught wind of this Pride campaign from this tweet from Brooke Lynn Hytes, the host of Canada’s Drag Race. Along with the comment, “I love this month,” this attempt at inclusivity is… certainly something. At first glance, it looks like a certain Tuxedo Mask meme where Sailor Moon comments that he, well, didn’t do anything. When it comes to food brands trying to rainbow-ize their franchise, I’m used to, you know, a rainbow bun, or frosting, or something like that.
Aka pretty patties
— Wandito💥 (@alexchacon__) June 3, 2022
There’s nothing like that here. There is, however, a switch-a-roo with the buns. One Whopper has two tops, and one has two bottoms (or two alphas and two omegas, wink wink).
Thats doesnt work believe me
— Goodashell (@GoodashellB) June 3, 2022
— tsuki_dango(🧭^ω^🧭) (@tsukidangoooo) June 3, 2022
Me: Can I get a whopper meal?
— LX El Oso Chingon (@bearrr55) June 3, 2022
BK Employee: Are you a top or bottom?
I wish I could’ve sat in on the corporate meeting for this
According to the website and quick use of Google translate, the two buns are supposed to represent… equality. How? Well, because they’re the same.
Original text: Mit zwei gleichen Buns. Für gleiche Liebe & gleiche Rechte. Wir präsentieren: den PRIDE WHOPPER®. Eine Special Edition mit zwei gleichen Buns für gleiche Liebe und gleiche Rechte. Wir setzen damit ein Zeichen für Individualität und Freiheit und stehen für einen respektvollen Umgang miteinander. Gleiche Rechte. Empathie. Verständnis. Egal wo Du herkommst, egal wen Du liebst, egal wie Du aussiehst oder woran Du glaubst: #TimeToBeProud
Google translate: With two identical buns. For equal love & equal rights. We present: the PRIDE WHOPPER®. A special edition with two equal buns for equal love and equal rights. We are setting an example for individuality and freedom and stand for a respectful interaction with each other. Equal rights. Empathy. Understanding. No matter where you are from, no matter who you love, no matter what you look like or what you believe in: #TimeToBeProud
Ah, so that’s their message, not the top/top, bottom/bottom thing. That’s my bad for looking at the picture and not getting any indication of equality from two identical pieces of bread. As exhausting as the rainbow capitalism attempts can be, Burger King Austria has shown that they can also be a good laugh on a Friday.
Happy Pride (Whopper) all you tops and bottoms. Let me know how your newfound flame-broiled equality works out.
(Featured image: Burger King)
—The Mary Sue has a strict comment policy that forbids, but is not limited to, personal insults toward anyone, hate speech, and trolling.—
Published: Jun 3, 2022 9:05 PM UTC