At last, parents across the nation can breathe easier, knowing the chances they will have to hear the whiny, entitled voice of a tiny bald antichrist coming from a television are much lower now. Yes, my friends, it’s true: Caillou, the bane of every parent’s existence, has been canceled by PBS.
Now, for those of you who aren’t parents or are lucky enough to have never seen or heard of this Canadian animated import: congrats. Count yourself lucky. Caillou, the four-year-old protagonist of the show is, to put it mildly, the most annoying, whiny, useless little ingrate that’s ever graced a television screen. He’s everything you don’t want your child to be: spoiled, completely unable to do anything, and just plain bratty.
Think of it this way, if Bean Dad had said “well, my child is Caillou” the response would have been “oh you were too nice.” As another meme put it:
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Another, now-viral quote by Arian Foster explained it well: “Caillou can’t grow hair, not because he has cancer or progeria, but because he sucks, and even his own body recognizes that he does not deserve hair or food or love.”
Note that the show stopped production in 2010, but the reruns have continued to haunt us both on PBS and YouTube for kids like some tiny revenant that wants a blankie. So, when the news broke that PBS would no longer rerun episodes of Caillou, parents rejoiced.
Today is like the opposite kind of news cycle to virtually every day of the past four years
— Jessica🧂🥴 (@jessicashortall) January 6, 2021
Caillou was a brat and a horrible example for kids.
– Every parent who’s ever watched Caillou
— Anna Gifty is rooting for Georgians! (@itsafronomics) January 6, 2021
now we’ll never see him grow into this guy
— the nigerian mclovin (@kabunbi) January 6, 2021
it’s what he deserves
— oatmeal influencer (@acechhh) January 6, 2021
Hallelujah, Caillou has finally been cancelled
— Torin (@torininabox) January 6, 2021
Honestly, I’ve never seen quite so much joy that a show is going off the air but I completely understand it. Now just make sure Caillou is blocked on any and all devices, so that you can be assured that this evil little cue ball with never hurt you or your family again.
And to Caillou himself, as a mom, I say: good riddance, you little shit.
(via: TVLine, image: PBS)
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Published: Jan 6, 2021 3:35 PM UTC