Campbell’s #RealRealLife campaign got awesomely real for a commercial promoting their new Star Wars soups. It’s a really cute commercial with a same-sex couple feeding their son soup, and the lines “I am your father,” “No, I am your father” are perfect.
The #RealRealLife series aims to show realistic depictions of family life. Other videos include silly snapshots into domestic life like a couple silently texting or a man making it for himself because his girlfriend is out of town. It’s awesome that Campbell’s is including images outside the conventional, heteronormative commercial family and the geekiness only makes it better!
We’re seeing more and more companies publicly support LGBTQ+ initiatives or combatting traditional gender roles. It’s exciting, but it’s also not without resistance, especially on social media. Target got a ton of backlash for their gender-neutral toy aisles and Doritos similarly dealt with an flood of angry commentators during their Rainbow Doritos campaign. The Campbell’s Facebook page is actually pretty great right now, with a majority of comments supporting Campbell’s and the commercial. Even so, the commercial is not without backlash. One Million Moms posted an article urging people to contact Campbell’s and protest the ad which they say “push the LGBTQ+ agenda.” They call the ad “confusing,” “normalizing,” and criticize the way “they are attempting to redefine ‘family’ and ‘real marriage.'”
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
The commercial, which isn’t even a whole minute long, is pretty revolutionary, especially considering it comes from a household American brand like Campbell’s. Seeing brands becoming more inclusive and representative is great, and I hope this continues with other companies as well. I’m going to have to stock up on some of those Star Wars soups for the winter.
What did you think of Campbell’s new commercial?
(via Human Rights Campaign)
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Published: Oct 9, 2015 10:21 PM UTC