There’s a funeral in Poe Dameron #14, and Leia’s present – writing that scene today. Wasn’t originally about her, but now it will be.
— Charles Soule (@CharlesSoule) December 27, 2016
Charles Soule is hard at work penning Marvel’s Star Wars: Poe Dameron series, and in the #14 issue, there’s going to be a funeral at which Poe and General Organa will be in attendance. In light of Carrie Fisher’s recent passing, Soule has decided to include a tribute of some kind during that funeral scene.
On Twitter today, Soule explained that he happened to be writing that very scene today, and of course he couldn’t help but feel a desire to make the scene feel more resonant. Even though the actual comic book issue won’t be out until next May, I have no doubt that we’ll all still be feeling the sting of loss with regard to Carrie Fisher, even at that point.
In the months going forward, I imagine many other Star Wars writers and artists will also find their own ways to pay tribute to Carrie Fisher’s memory. We’ve already seen some of those tributes emerge, but there will be more to come. We also learned yesterday that General Leia Organa was already slated to play a “larger role” in Episode VIII, and Carrie Fisher already filmed all of her scenes for that, so it’ll be interesting to see how the Star Wars movies decide to approach her character–and honoring Carrie Fisher’s legacy, on screen and in all of her other extended universe appearances.
(via Newsarama, image via Retcon Punch)
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Published: Dec 28, 2016 02:22 pm