Just how much of Andy Dwyer was Chris Pratt on Parks and Recreation? 100%, judging by his GQ interview this video where he explains stunts for Jurassic World.
In the (incredibly long) interview, Pratt explains that he was typecast as “the bad boyfriend” when he first started out with acting. (Which easily described Andy Dwyer at the beginning of Parks and Rec, too, but that character changed over time.) But he always had a strong comedic side, and playing Andy Dwyer finally let that out:
I was always adding stuff to scenes and the directors would be like, ‘Come on, man, no, don’t do that.’ And then that stuff would make the cut. And I was like, ‘I knew it! I knew I was funnier than that stupid fucking director, and he didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about! I knew it!’
He may have moved away from the funny sidekick roles a bit recently, but it wasn’t easy for him to get out of his own way, as Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn told GQ,
I think that he had gotten a lot of success over the past few years being the funny sidekick, which means that he always has to juggle to entertain everybody. And the truth is, Chris didn’t trust himself to just be Chris Pratt—and how desirable that is to an audience.
But deep down inside, it sounds like he’s still Andy Dwyer, stunt expert.
(via CBR)
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Published: May 19, 2015 9:51 PM UTC