We’re about a month out from this year’s Emmy Awards, and I keep forgetting they’re coming up. Then I remember that SNL’s Colin Jost and Michael Che are hosting, and it all makes sense why I would shut that out of my brain.
Jost and Che are making the interview rounds promoting their gig, and I’m sure there are some people for whom this is stirring up some excitement, but I cannot and do not care enough to imagine who those people are. Because it’s hard to imagine that this won’t be the most boring Emmys possible.
In an interview with the LA Times, Jost answers the question “Are you fond of awards shows?” with an actual “Eh.” Which is a fine reaction for most people to have. You don’t have to like awards shows! Unless you’re hosting one and then maybe you shouldn’t have an “eh” opinion. That does not sound like it will make for great TV.
Colin’s big problem seems to be that the art that’s celebrated at awards shows is too good. Seriously. He’s apparently the exact reason why the Academy introduced that BS “Popular Film” category.
He followed up his “eh” by saying, “I think most of the time they’re way too self-serious and focused on things that 99% of the country doesn’t care about. At the end of the day, it’s adults getting trophies. Why should that be taken seriously? And remember when movies like “Gladiator” won best picture? Why can’t good, fun things win and not just good artsy things? They’re both good and the fun ones are sometimes a lot harder to make.”
yes, the real problem with the emmys is that they don’t reward popular shows enough https://t.co/aweOVSw3S8 pic.twitter.com/FOTrN5QkCr
— Alison Herman (@aherman2006) August 14, 2018
And this is why we have bullshit like the “Popular Film Oscar”: to appease people like Colin Jost who don’t care about recognition of great films because they’re not masc and white enough. pic.twitter.com/8xTLkq62C9
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) August 14, 2018
Please someone help, I accidentally appreciated some art, can you please get Colin Jost to come puncture my sense of self importance?
— Joe Reid (@joereid) August 14, 2018
colin jost: wHY cAn’T GOod fUn THIngS wIN aNd NoT jusT GoOD aRtSY ThINGs ??? https://t.co/fRffmBL3G6 pic.twitter.com/sGUKfv7cya
— hunter harris (@hunteryharris) August 14, 2018
Again, Jost doesn’t have to take television or film or other forms of art seriously. It seems a little odd that he would choose TV as his chosen profession then but, in his words, eh. But for the chosen host of this event to dismiss the accolades as meaningless is a total insult to the thousands and thousands of people who worked hard on making those shows.
I have arrived at the conclusion that Colin Jost is Bad
— Kevin O’Keeffe (@kevinpokeeffe) August 14, 2018
In another recent interview with Vanity Fair, Jost and Che talked about how they were going to eschew politics. Jost “joked” that by the time the Emmys air–in a month–people won’t want to see issues like #MeToo talked about. “It’ll probably be #HeToo by then,” Jost said.
Imagine doing a joint interview with Michael Che of all terrible people and being the one coming away looking bad.
(image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)
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Published: Aug 14, 2018 9:53 PM UTC