Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention
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Donald Trump’s Nephew Says Trump Told Him His Disabled Son ‘Should Just Die’

Donald Trump’s nephew, Fred Trump III, has revealed what his uncle truly thinks about the disabled community, revealing Trump told him all disabled Americans “should just die,” including Fred’s son.

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Recently, Fred has begun to reveal an even darker side of Trump as he prepares to release his memoir All in the Family. Those who received advanced copies have already reported disturbing details, such as Trump’s usage of racial slurs. However, ahead of the release, Fred penned an article for Time, revealing Trump’s horrific response to Fred’s son, William, having a disability.

The saddest part is that Trump’s response won’t be surprising for many. After all, most recall back in 2015 when he mocked a reporter’s disability. Meanwhile, it’s known that many conservatives in general do not care about the disabled community, moving to significantly cut disability benefits and banning books that provide disability representation.

Additionally, Trump has reportedly made similar beyond heartless comments in the past, such as calling deceased American soldiers “losers and suckers” while refusing to visit or honor their memorials. However, one of his most disgusting comments yet was leveled at his own nephew.

Fred Trump III pens heartbreaking Time essay

Fred recently penned a heartbreaking article for Time, describing how his efforts to use his White House connection to advocate for the disabled community elicited some unfathomable remarks from President Trump. Fred and Lisa’s son, William, was born in 1999. However, just moments after his birth, he ended up in the NICU fighting for his life. In the coming months, he would begin experiencing infantile seizures, which would impact his physical and mental development. Meanwhile, it took the family 15 years to receive an official diagnosis for William, who has a rare KCNQ2 mutation.

Fred and Lisa know firsthand what it’s like to have a disabled family member, including the uncertainty, expenses, and need for acceptance and a support system. As a result, when he learned his uncle was president of the United States, he immediately began thinking about how to use this opportunity to better the lives of families like his. He contacted Ivanka Trump and began securing meetings with Ben Carson, medical professionals, and advocates for the disabled community, where they held wonderful discussions about how to work more efficiently with current funds and resources to improve support, acceptance, and education. Eventually, Trump sat in on one meeting. After the meeting, Trump asked Fred to speak with him privately.

Fred says he walked into the Oval Office, thinking that maybe Trump had been touched by the meeting. Instead, he told Fred, “Those people . . . The shape they’re in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die.” Trump didn’t care about William or any American with a disability. He didn’t understand they were human lives, only seeing them as expenses. Naturally, Fred didn’t know what to say after the president told him all Americans with disabilities should die, so he left. However, it wasn’t long until billionaire Trump became bothered by William’s expenses.

When William was nine, Donald Trump helped set up a Trump family medical fund for him, which helped Fred and Lisa cover his medical expenses. Ten years later, William contracted pneumonia and spent three weeks in the hospital fighting for his life. He returned home with a ventilator and feeding tube and soon had to relearn how to eat. At this point, the Trump family’s donations to the fund had begun to dwindle, and Fred and his family were struggling to cover William’s expenses. So, Fred called Trump, hoping he could help revitalize the fund. Instead, Trump told him to let William die.

Fred recalls that Trump told him, “I don’t know. He doesn’t recognize you. Maybe you should just let him die and move down to Florida.” Once again, the appalling comment left Fred at a loss for words, although he did manage to remind Trump that William did recognize him. While the comment would’ve been enough to break most people, it only revitalized Fred because people like Trump are the exact reason he advocates for those with disabilities. It’s because there are people around, like Trump, who genuinely believe that those with disabilities are “less than” or even that they don’t deserve to live.

Although Fred promised to continue advocating for his son and others with disabilities, he acknowledged that Trump will probably never change his feelings about William. He’s a man who doesn’t feel empathy, can’t understand sacrifice, and mocks individuals who have disabilities or have been through trauma. While this was likely a terrible story for Fred to have to tell publicly, it’s deeply important that everyone knows that the man currently running for president is so cold-hearted and lacking in humanity that he thinks all disabled Americans should die.

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Image of Rachel Ulatowski
Rachel Ulatowski
Rachel Ulatowski is a Staff Writer for The Mary Sue, who frequently covers DC, Marvel, Star Wars, literature, and celebrity news. She has over three years of experience in the digital media and entertainment industry, and her works can also be found on Screen Rant, JustWatch, and Tell-Tale TV. She enjoys running, reading, snarking on YouTube personalities, and working on her future novel when she's not writing professionally. You can find more of her writing on Twitter at @RachelUlatowski.