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‘Shrek’s Donkey Is About To Star in His Own Movie

Arguably the best character in the entire Shrek franchise is Donkey, and Eddie Murphy, the iconic actor behind him, thinks so too.

“I love Donkey,” he told Etalk back in January 2023. “You know, they did Puss in Boots movies. I was like, ‘They should have did a Donkey movie.’ Donkey is funnier than Puss in Boots. I mean, I love Puss in Boots, but he ain’t funny as the Donkey.” Then he dropped the tantalizing tidbit, “I would do a Donkey movie. I would do another Shrek in two seconds.”

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And now, that’s all happening! Shrek 5 is on its way, and so is a spinoff Donkey movie. Murphy announced them this month, June 2024, and Shrek fans are very excited.

What might a Donkey movie entail?

The last Shrek spinoff was the Puss in Boots franchise, and that started with a prequel set before the events of Shrek 2 (where Puss was first introduced). So perhaps the Donkey movie might also be a prequel? When we first meet Donkey in Shrek, he appears to be the property of a mean old woman, and she tries to sell him to Lord Farquaad’s soldiers. There could definitely be a story in there about how Donkey ended up her pet donkey despite being able to talk.

Or perhaps it could be a story about Donkey’s family? Donkey is married to Dragon and they have kids, a whole bunch of dronkeys. Let’s see more of the dronkeys!

Who is in the Donkey movie?

The only cast member we know for sure is in the Donkey movie is Eddie Murphy as Donkey. As for the other main Shrek characters—Mike Myers as Shrek, Cameron Diaz as Fiona, and Antonio Banderas as Puss in Boots—we don’t know if they’ll be appearing in the film or not.

The movie is sure to have a star-studded cast, though. Lots of famous names have voiced characters in the Shrek franchise.

When is the Donkey movie coming out?

There’s no set date for the Donkey movie yet (Or even a title!), but we can make a pretty good guess at when it’ll come out. Eddie Murphy told Collider this month that he expected Shrek 5 to come out in 2025, and that the Donkey movie would be next. So perhaps we can expect it in 2026 or 2027?

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Image of Sarah Barrett
Sarah Barrett
Sarah Barrett (she/her) is a freelance writer with The Mary Sue who has been working in journalism since 2014. She loves to write about movies, even the bad ones. (Especially the bad ones.) The Raimi Spider-Man trilogy and the Star Wars prequels changed her life in many interesting ways. She lives in one of the very, very few good parts of England.

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