Ever since the release of Strong World in 2009, the flashy outfits of the Straw Hats have been a focal point in One Piece movies. Sometimes, they’re beautifully coordinated, as the Straw Hats face off together against the baddies in immaculate style. Sometimes, they revolve around a vibe while showcasing each Straw Hat’s personality. And as both sets of costumes have been revealed for this year’s One Piece: Red—I can tell you that this film goes with the latter. It is my utter pleasure to tell you the theme is “pirate rock and roll festival attendee.”
One Piece: Red is the fifteenth One Piece film—an animated franchise that has been around for nearly 25 years. Very little is known about the plot, except that it involves a music festival and Shanks. Which is already enough to make me wait outside the theater for days. But alas, the film will release in Japan on August 6th, 2022, and no international distribution plans have been announced yet.
In the meantime, let us get incredibly pumped by looking at our favorite guys and gals in beautiful style. Costume set #1 has the Straw Hats model the optimal fashion for attending music festivals. Costume set #2 has the Straw Hats model the optimal fashion for attending music festivals which have devolved into a situation where you must now kick someone’s ass. It’s always good to be fashionably prepared.

Look, I attended Lolapalooza many times as a teenager. Chicago in August can be brutally hot. Let me tell you right now that straight-up wearing fans on your body is a brilliant move for any music festival attendee. Luffy’s got the right idea. Also, please note his t-shirt, which depicts a microphone wearing a Straw Hat. It gives me much joy.
As for the battle costume … I’m going to need this figure at capitalism’s earliest possible convenience. The deep v-neck! The spiky bracelets! The giant effin hat! That sure looks like a Pirate King to me.

Zoro’s festival outfit reminds me of the kid in high school who wanted you to think he was a punk, but actually, those ripped jeans cost $150. I think it’s the high tops that really cinch the vibe for me. Which isn’t to say Zoro isn’t stylin’. It’s just the Festival Archetype he’s going for. Just as if that archetype also wielded three swords. And if real-world festivals allowed you to carry in three swords. It seems like a bad idea, but who am I to say? I’m not a festival planner.
I must call your attention to Zoro’s ruffle for the battle outfit. And very biker-rallyish satanic cross on the back of his jacket, which is fully bedazzled with buttons. And the high-heeled, knee-high boots, which I can only assume are pure leather. Together, they make the epitome of Rock ‘n’ Roll Pirate.

I am 1000% sure I have seen someone wearing Nami’s exact outfit at a music festival before. Including the face paint and accompanying henna tattoo. That’s just a real-world outfit right there. When it’s 90 degrees and you’re outside all day, a sports bra is a legitimate top choice.
We shouldn’t be surprised by the ridiculous sex appeal of Nami’s outfit, but I admit, I rolled my eyes at the serious under-boob on display. And those provocative fish-nets. That said, I do genuinely like this outfit, especially from the back. The hat and skirt especially strike that beautiful handshake between Badass and Cute. Get it, girl.

As someone who’s been to Japan in July, I can tell you the towel-around-the-neck vibe is very Japanese Summer. I love that Sanji is the one filling in for the Shorts Revealing Knobby, Hairy Legs, and Sock-less Loafers Archetype. Someone needs to do it.
This is also a good time to say that I love the Everyone Gets A Sword decree of these battle outfits. You get a sword, and you get a sword! Everybody gets a sword!!! It’s also kind of surprising to see Sanji embracing the Germa roots of his name with the roman numeral three on the back of his jacket. But, again, it rules. Loving the fringes on the shoulders especially.

Holy s**t, did Usopp join KISS!?! This festival outfit is unbelievable! I am in speechless awe. I have nothing productive to add to this conversation except to point out the face makeup also doubles as kabuki-inspired. But … like … damn!
Usopp’s festival attire is so Extra that his battle outfit feels downright tame by comparison. How the hell is a frog hat supposed to compete with the newest member of KISS? But this says a lot about Usopp. Standing out as a festival attendee? Absolutely. Standing out in the heat of battle? No, thank you.

Chopper’s festival attire comes complete with not one, but two sets of taiko bachi. Hopefully, he does not intend to use them to annoyingly participate in a song while being off-beat. Or, worse, clapping on 1 and 3. This outfit contains a lot of fun easter eggs—notice the sakura blossoms on his shirt. And the towel around his neck says “UTA,” which means “song” in Japanese.
The battle outfit is just adorable. Look at that sword—it’s literally as big as he is! And the spiky pirate hat fitted around his beloved usual hat? With the chain on it? Yes.

Again, I’m pretty sure I’ve just seen an outfit almost exactly like Robin’s at a music festival. The dress, especially, feels like a practical choice. She’s clearly going for the “retro hippie” angle. I wish I could pull off the mismatched boots and stockings on one leg in real life.
As for the battle attire: I shall be cosplaying it next year. Not sure if that top is a bra or a corset-thing, but I’ll figure it out. The armored-style boots, the headscarf, the long jacket with the animal skull—this rivals Luffy’s for me as my favorite battle outfit of the bunch.

There’s always that One Guy at a music festival who treats it like it’s a con and dresses up in a cosplay-like outfit. Apparently, Franky is that One Guy. It’s a great radio robot outfit, though. Please notice the gears around his nipples. I’m sure he would like to draw your attention to that detail.
Franky’s battle garb is 100% Mad Max: Fury Road, and I’m here for it. The anchor on the back of the jacket reminds us that we’re in the Grand Line and not the desert. But otherwise, this whole outfit just shouts, “Witness me!”

Brook is, of course, an actual musician. And a world-renowned one at that. So he knows exactly what he’s doing by wearing a sweatshirt that says “BPM 9.” Do you know how slow 9 BPM is? As a musician myself, I will tell you: it is almost incalculably slow. Many musicians find it difficult if they have to play something at 40 BPM. This is 9.
The exact roots of Brook’s battle outfit escape me. The hair feels like a combination of Jimi Hendrix (who was fond of hair scarves) and a very exaggerated Billie Joe Armstrong. His top and skirt-bottom feel like a combination of Zoro’s and Nami’s outfits. It’s working, though.

Lastly, we have the dear, new addition to the Straw Hat crew. As the de facto Straw Hat Dad, it makes sense that Jinbe would take influence from Elvis. But because he’s the cool dad, he’s gone all-in and is really pulling off the Kingly look.
As for the battle outfit—am I the only one surprised that Jinbe’s hair is long enough to create a braid of that length? Love it. The fact that Jinbe’s jacket is the only one decorated with a Straw Hat skull on the back makes my heart sing. Welcome to the crew, buddy.
(Image credit: Toei Animation)
Published: Mar 24, 2022 11:24 PM UTC