An All Terrain Scout Transport, also known as an AT-ST, is a two-legged patrol vehicle used by the Imperial Army in Star Wars. In this video, you can see one stationed next to a playground on the planet Earth. This particular AT-ST was not actually made by Kuat Drive Yards, nor even LucasArts, but rather a fan.
The AT-ST replica sadly lacks the ability to move around. But it does make “pew pew” noises when the person in the pilot seat shoots off the weaponry. Oh, and it looks friggin’ awesome!
Speaking of the pilot, the person who built this impressive replica doesn’t even want to be identified, nor did they approach the public with their cool project. This AT-ST would have remained undiscovered forever, if not for a passerby who noticed it on the creator’s property. Eventually, this passerby worked up the courage to knock on the AT-ST owner’s door and ask for a tour. Their bravery earned them a rich reward, which they’ve shared with the internet via this lengthy Imgur gallery documenting this excellent replica:
It’s definitely worth scrolling all the way through that Imgur gallery, because eventually the visitor gets a tour of the inside of the AT-ST … and the interior looks even cooler! The attention to detail definitely makes this AT-ST into a very impressive playground-adjacent treehouse.
Presumably, the kids who play at that playground are used to playing the role of the conquering Ewoks …
But hopefully they don’t recreate the Battle of Endor with too much accuracy.
(via The Verge)
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Published: Apr 6, 2016 7:47 PM UTC