It’s time to keep that Fantastic Beasts hype train going. I had the opportunity to attend a special roundtable with the cast and crew of the film including director David Yates, Eddie Redmayne, Ezra Miller, Katherine Waterson, Dan Fogler, Alison Sudol and producer David Heyman.
While I’ve got plenty to share from these fantastic interviews (see what I did there), I’m taking this moment to focus on Yates because he shared some great news on the sequel. Don’t worry, what’s written below is not a spoiler for the first film. Trust me, I can already sense the lasers directed right at my forehead so I definitely won’t be giving anything away.
Kidding about the lasers…maybe.
- Fantastic Beasts was originally supposed to be a trilogy but then “about halfway through writing the second film, she [J.K. Rowling] got really excited and decided it was going to be five,” director David Yates said.
- Dumbledore will be in Fantastic Beasts 2. However, it won’t be Michael Gambon because they’re going for a younger version of the character. “We’re discussing who would play [him],” he added. Thoughts? Suggestions?
- Parts of the second film will take place in Paris and other locations in the U.K. Not sure this means we’re going back to Hogwarts but you never know!
Aaand that’s it for now. Keep checking back for more bits from today’s interviews. Are you excited? Are you planning to see all five films?
(image via screencap)
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Published: Nov 7, 2016 9:28 PM UTC