For those that are sick of holiday cheer, or feel they can’t happily celebrate anything while suffering people are still in the world (or something), never fear, for Festivus is almost here. Created by writer Dan O’Keefe as a holiday people can celebrate without participating in the “pressures” of commercialization, his son Daniel, a screenwriter for Seinfeld, introduced the holiday to the world through George Costanza’s father’s holiday beliefs. The secular holiday is celebrated on December 23, and consists of time-honored traditions, such as the Airing of Grievances and the Feats of Strength, because who doesn’t want to argue with and physically fight their loved ones to celebrate the holiday season? Detailed information presented in a visual medium below. If only that kind of thing had a singular word to describe it.
- Air your grievances regarding why people unfriend you on Facebook
- Air your grievances regarding product placement
- Air your grievances regarding how social media is ruining your mind
Published: Dec 22, 2011 09:45 am