Full disclosure: 90s Bri had a serious Will Smith phase, like, to the point of defending Wild Wild West.
Y’all, just … leave me alone, okay?
Needless to say, she regularly watched Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, its reruns, and maaaaay have poked current day Bri to rewatch it when it hit HBO Max. So yeah, this new trailer? All signs point to AHHHHH!!!
Now this is a story all about how the Freshest family on TV is getting back together 🤩🥳 Join the Banks family for the #FreshPrinceReunion November 19 only on HBO Max! pic.twitter.com/8xRsGPUW4X
— HBO Max (@hbomax) November 13, 2020
Seeing the cast in that living room (which still can’t afford no ceiling) brought me back to simpler times, back to my days of having an all-pink bedroom, Super Nintendo, and scraped knees from falling off my bike.
Oh, and my Will Smith crush, it brought me back there, too.
The Fresh Prince reunion brings the cast together after 30 years, and I’m in awe of their chemistry after so long. I also can’t believe that it’s been 3 decades! I know Tatyana Ali is only a couple years older than me, but who gave Ashley Banks permission to grow up? She’s supposed to be fainting over Tevin Campbell at her birthday party!
We see the cast sharing laughs as Will admits that he told them he couldn’t act (and Alfonso confirms that no, he couldn’t, LOL). There’s a heartfelt moment where they talk about the late, forever great James Avery (Uncle Phil), and I’m already getting my Kleenex ready for when they inevitably pay tribute to him. It also looks like we’ll get a lot of behind the scenes information, like how DJ Jazzy Jeff had NO plans of acting, like, ever, and even turned the part down ten times.
Of course, what Black family reunion wouldn’t be complete without the auntie … or two. The trailer ends (purposely, I’m sure) with the OG Aunt Viv, Janet Hubert, making her way onto the scene. While news of this shocking invite was shared back in September, seeing it in the trailer is still cause for this very appropriate gif react:
Only in 2020 could hell freeze over like this.
The reunion is set to air November 19th on HBO Max. I’m ready to watch and livetweet, are you?
(image: HBO Max)
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Published: Nov 13, 2020 04:37 pm