The first trailer for the upcoming live-action adaptation of Fullmetal Alchemist directed by Ping Pong’s Fumihiko Sori, focused mainly on brothers Edward Elric (Ryosuke Yamada) and his armor-clad brother Alphonse. In the new trailer, we get to see much more of the two as they set out on a journey to get their bodies back along with many familiar faces.
The new trailer gives us a look at Roy Mustang (Dean Fujioka), Riza Hawkeye (Misako Renbutsu), Maes Hughes (Ryuta Sato), and Winry Rockbell (Tsubasa Honda), as well as Homunculi Lust (Yasuko Matsuyuki), Envy (Kanata Hongō), and Gluttony (Shinji Uchiyama). All of them look very similar to their anime counterparts, and it’s clear this is going to be a very faithful adaptation. Just look at Envy’s hair!
Don’t mind that noise, it’s just my teenage self screaming at seeing a live-action Roy Mustang and preparing to possibly go through the Maes Hughes and Shou Tucker storyline for like, the millionth time. Some of the effects, like the first flame we see from Roy, aren’t as great as I’d like, but I’m not going to fuss too much about special effects so long as the actors do these character justice.
Fullmetal Alchemist comes to theaters December 1st, 2017. What do you think about the new trailer?
(via Nerdist, image: screencap)
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Published: Jul 13, 2017 9:23 PM UTC