The Ghibli Museum in Tokyo will soon have a Catbus that both children and adults can ride. It makes its debut on July 17th, as part of an exhibit called “Ride the Catbus to Ghibli Woods.” The fan-favorite My Neighbor Totoro bus was previously open only to children, but the folks at the Ghibli Museum are working to make it open to everyone. Japanese film website Cinema Today shared the news, which includes an announcement that the Ghibli Museum would be closing temporarily for renovations.
If you want to hop on the Catbus, you should get on over to the Ghibli Museum soon, because the Catbus exhibit will only be around until May 2017. It may seem far away for now, but time flies, kids. Just like this Catbus. Beyond that, if you’re a fan of any of the Ghibli movies, you should absolutely check out the Ghibli Museum anyway. I’ve been told it’s like stepping into the movies themselves, and frankly, that seems so incredibly awesome. The attention to detail is unparalleled, and absolutely deserving of praise.
Anyway, if you need me, I’ll be over here watching My Neighbor Totoro again, just biding my time until I can make it out to Tokyo myself to check this out. Oh, the glorious selfies that demand to be taken.
(via Kotaku)
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Published: May 25, 2016 7:54 PM UTC