In celebration of the release of the Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, cities in the U.S. and Canada are getting their very own Luke’s Diner on October 5th. Netflix isn’t exactly springing for the construction of diners all over the country (much to our dismay), but rather, they’ll be popping up inside of your friendly local coffee shops. The best thing is that they seem to be totally committed to keeping that local coffee shop/diner vibe by using only (you guessed it) local coffee shops. In fact, as you go to see where your closest Luke’s Diner will be, take note of one thing: there isn’t a single Starbucks in sight.
What can you get at Luke’s? Coffee, duh. Free coffee. Netflix will be picking up the tab for the first 250 12-ounce cups of coffee, so, you know, you’d better show up quick if you want to snatch one of ’em up. They also tease that there will be a “fun surprise under their custom Gilmore Girls coffee sleeve,” according to Eater. As well, there will be aprons and t-shirts (for purchase, I’m assuming), though Luke probably won’t be there to get all gruff and short with you while occasionally dispensing helpful life advice.
That being said, there’s absolutely no reason why none of you shouldn’t dress up like Luke (or Lorelai or Rory or literally anybody else on the show) to go to Luke’s Diner. In fact, I’m expecting some fine Gilmore Girls cosplay, though something tells me that nearly all of it will be accidental. Well, whatever, that’s fine, I just get to continue living in my Stars Hollow dreamworld, and you bet I’m going to go enjoy this moment in time when the veil between the two worlds is ever so thin.
(via Glamour)
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Published: Oct 3, 2016 8:43 PM UTC