Accio-Alphabetization: Neat Harry Potter Supercut Features All Spells in Alphabetical Order

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I’m probably on my umpteenth re-watch of the Harry Potter movies, and thanks to this supercut placing every single spell in alphabetical order, I’ll be thinking a lot differently about how much work went into imagining and bringing these spells to life on screen and in the books. Editor Davide Rapp spliced together nearly every instance of every spell ever cast in any of the Harry Potter movies, essentially creating a video spellbook.

Watching it, I already knew that there was going to be a metric heckload of Avada Kedavras, but I didn’t realize just how long it would take to get through all of them. The entire video’s a little less than eight minutes long, which, when you consider the fact that all the movies are 1,179 minutes long, seems even more miniscule. That’s only about 0.0067% of all the movies’ runtimes.

You’ll likely note that there are a few omissions and missing scenes. It’s my belief that Rapp tried to include most of the fully-intact spellcasts, preserving the sound bite and the scene in its entirety. What’s super, super clear is that each of the wizards shown in the video all have their very own nuances, quirks, and styles in their casting. Sure, there’s a lot of emotion and scene chewing (hi, Voldemort), but really, that’s to be expected. These are all moments featuring some incredibly heightened emotions that are all sprinkled throughout a much longer movie. Putting ’em all together like this definitely recontextualizes it all, and not in so much of a bad way.

(via BuzzFeed)

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Jessica Lachenal
Jessica Lachenal is a writer who doesn’t talk about herself a lot, so she isn’t quite sure how biographical info panels should work. But here we go anyway. She's the Weekend Editor for The Mary Sue, a Contributing Writer for The Bold Italic (, and a Staff Writer for Spinning Platters ( She's also been featured in Model View Culture and Frontiers LA magazine, and on Autostraddle. She hopes this has been as awkward for you as it has been for her.