Heartstopper Bloopers

If You Thought ‘Heartstopper’ Was Wholesome Wait Until You See the Bloopers

As if I didn't love Heartstopper enough, now there's a blooper reel.

Spoilers for Heartstopper season one

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Heartstopper, aka, “my queer comfort food of 2022,” just released a blooper reel where we get to see the cast flubbing up their lines and struggling to figure out the mechanics of sports jerseys. As if we didn’t already have enough wholesomeness, we can now spend a little over two minutes giggling over these delightful dorks trying not to laugh at each other.

Highlights from the bloopers

What’s fun about watching outtakes is seeing how the cast interacts with each other, even during the most serious moments. Nick (Kit Conner), for example, ends up on Tao’s (William Gao) bad side almost immediately in the show, but here we can see the two actors bursting into laughter as Gao attempts to go protective friend mode about Charlie (Joe Locke). The same kind of hilarity is seen when Gao faces off against Cormac Hyde-Corrin’s Harry Greene, one of the bullies who continue to pick on Tao and Charlie.

Sidenote: I will never forget how cathartic it felt watching Tao throw apple juice at Harry. Tao clearly isn’t much of a fighter (often commenting that he’ll verbally take down the folks who dare to hurt his friends), but at that moment he threw apple juice, and at one point beat Harry with his hat. Incredible. Even if I feel bad that Hyde-Corrin probably had to do a couple of takes where juice got thrown in his face.

A lot of the bloopers highlight the kids being adorable and silly. Tara (Corinna Brown) and Darcy (Kizzy Edgell) have cute chemistry together, and at one point Yasmin Finney (Elle) is surprised by a sudden burst of rain as she shares an umbrella with Gao.

My favorite part to watch (besides Locke not knowing how to put on his sports jersey) is the genuine reaction Olivia Colman had during Conner’s coming-out scene. Colman plays Nick’s mom, Sarah, and at the end of the series, Nick decides to tell her that he’s bisexual and dating Charlie. It’s a really touching moment, and a fantastic way to end the show, as Nick has come to accept his sexuality and is ready to tell the people close to him. His mother is completely supportive, furthermore, she’s happy that her son decided to share something so personal with her.

This moment actually affected Colman, who gets teary-eyed and forgets her lines. “I just got all overwhelmed with your little face,” she says. I can’t blame her. The build-up for the moment combined with Conner’s earnest portrayal of Nick makes me emotional, too.

In an interview with This Morning, Conner talked about how it felt working with such a world-renowned actress like Olivia Colman (the best kept casting secret of the series) and how emotional she got when they read through the scene together. “At first, I was thinking, ‘God, she’s just really good, I need to step up my game massively here’, so I was really worried at that point. I think then other people told me afterward that it was because it’s such a beautifully-written scene and a crucial part in so many people’s lives. I think it really touched her.”

(Featured Image: Netflix)

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Image of Briana Lawrence
Briana Lawrence
Briana (she/her - bisexual) is trying her best to cosplay as a responsible adult. Her writing tends to focus on the importance of representation, whether it’s through her multiple book series or the pieces she writes. After de-transforming from her magical girl state, she indulges in an ever-growing pile of manga, marathons too much anime, and dedicates an embarrassing amount of time to her Animal Crossing pumpkin patch (it's Halloween forever, deal with it Nook)