Feel like you’re missing out on all the trailer excitement because you don’t play video games or care about E3? Let’s hope you like dwarves, then, because director Peter Jackson‘s got thirteen of them to throw your way, along with a whole forest worth of other mythical Tolkien creatures. The first teaser trailer for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, the upcoming sequel to last year’s An Unexpected Journey, just dropped and look pretty dang neat. You know, if you like dwarves. If not, you’ll be pleased to know that there’s also a dragon this time who sounds like Sherlock Holmes, and he really enjoys killing dwarves. Either way, there’s something for everybody.
Not quite sure how I feel about Tauriel yet from this trailer — I’m all for more female inclusion in a book that has no actual female characters in it, but I’m not the biggest Evangeline Lilly fan (do not even start me talking about it because I hated Kate in Lost so goddarned much) and I’m sort of confused by the weird orange color of her hair. Are there fake-redhead elves in Mirkwood? Because that’s what my hair looks like, and I am very not an elf. I think maybe I need to see her be more of a badass and shoot some more orcs before I make my final call.
Other than that, though, this is a pretty sick trailer. Lilly might seem out of place in Elfen garb, but Lee Pace looks like he was born to be one of the fairest Children of Ilúvatar, if not the actual fairest. I mean, come on. Look at those eyebrows.
- If you didn’t enjoy the first Hobbit, you’ll enjoy this
- Still one more film to go and then we’ll have two trilogies!
- Check out this LEGO Bag End that’s big enough for actual non-hobbits
Published: Jun 11, 2013 08:15 pm