After losing to challenger Ash Ketchum in the Pokémon series, Brock decided to travel alongside the young Trainer—and went with him all the way to the Sinnoh region before following a new path as a Pokémon Doctor. Although he no longer travels with Ash, Brock has occasionally reappeared in the anime, most notably in Alola when he was given a Comfey by a local Nurse, Joy. Brock also returned alongside his Pokémon during the mini-special Pokémon Journeys episodes—where the main characters of the anime took part in a festival celebrating the ancient region of Hisui. However, Brock’s age has seldom been addressed in the anime. So just how old is this Gym Leader anyway?
Brock’s Age in Pokémon
According to Brock’s original design sheets, the Gym Leader is stated to be 15 years old. This information is not mentioned anywhere within the anime or at any other point in time, so it can be assumed that Brock has remained at this age throughout his entire journey. Being that there is no other information on Brock’s age, this assumption still holds ground. There are several theories about why Brock’s age hasn’t changed, such as eternal youth and slowed time. However, as his age is hardly ever touched upon in the anime, we still have no concrete explanations.
So, Brock is actually five years older than Ash rather than being close to his age. Being that he’s typically shown to be somewhat mature, this makes sense (but not when it comes to Brock flirting with other ladies). This might be surprising to long-time fans of the anime who thought that Brock was the same age as Ash—or it might not be at all.
(featured image: The Pokémon Company)
Published: Jul 7, 2022 6:53 PM UTC