Hugh Jackman channeled some rad Marvel vs. Capcom/comic book action when he recently spoke to the Sydney Confidential podcast. He mentioned that there’ll be some classic, patented Wolverine “berserker rage” in his final performance as the cigar-smokin’ canuck.
The interview went as follows:
Sydney Confidential: When you tweeted about Wolverine 3 the other day, the response was huge!
Hugh Jackman: Yeah, unbelievable.
Sydney Confidential: Give me something about Wolverine, what’s happening? you bringing it back to Australia? The story..?
Jackman: There were a lot of calls for Victor Creed to come back, there was … I must admit I was quite heartened by a number of people saying please don’t make it the last, but I’m really excited about this last one, and if you’re a comic book fan, then the words ‘berserker rage’ came up a lot, so if you know Wolverine, you’ll understand.
We like to think we know Wolverine. So we totally understand.
As we all know, though, this’ll be Jackman’s last run as Wolverine. He’s become something of a symbol, an icon for the character, much like how Sean Connery embodies James Bond for a lot of people (or Roger Moore, or Daniel Craig…). We’ll be sad to see him go, but hey, we’ll always have First Class, Days of Future Past, and Apocalypse. *wistful sigh*
(via Comic Book Resources)
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Published: Aug 17, 2015 5:53 PM UTC