Star Wars has some fun-looking characters, and the artists behind the franchise get quite creative with the designs of their aliens. There’s a reason everyone loves Max Rebo and his bright blue aesthetic. But recently, Obi-Wan Kenobi released a new alien into the mix that I want to know more about. Her name? Trexia. (Not really. I made it up, but just go with it.)
Trexia, as I am affectionately calling her, is a bounty hunter that Obi-Wan comes in contact with (sort of) when he’s trying to escape Daiyu. When Reva comes to stop Obi-Wan from rescuing Leia, an alert gets sent out to the bounty hunters on Daiyu that has Obi-Wan’s face on it, making it incredibly hard for him and Leia to leave the way they were planning. In a brief moment, we see what looks like a raptor in a robe getting the alert, and now I don’t care about any thing else in this world; I just want to know more about her and see what her deal is.
It isn’t a shock that there’s a cool-looking alien. There’s plenty in Star Wars. It’s just that she’s straight up a dinosaur. There’s no characteristics other than her being a dinosaur. Did a dino try to escape getting wiped out on Earth and take a space ship to Daiyu? Is there a planet of raptor bounty hunters I should know about? Like, there is so much about her I want to know and learn more about.
There isn’t a reason why she can’t show up in The Mandalorian and help Din Djarin with his own bounty hunting or just come back later on while still looking for Obi-Wan. Frankly, I don’t care. I just want to know more about this dinosaur bounty hunter who looks at her alert as if she got a text message on her Apple Watch.
This is a Trexia stan account
I am well aware of the fact that I will most likely never see this character again and that I am making up her name, her story, and her entire deal. But also, I don’t care. She’s a raptor bounty hunter. It’s a perfect little character for me to fixate on because I love dinosaurs and I love Star Wars, and this is as close as I’m going to get to the two of them being in the same universe.
Now, Trexia isn’t successful in her quest, but being a raptor, I think it will mean she won’t give up. So having her come back to help hunt down Ben Kenobi just makes sense for the headcanon that I created for her. Until we get to see here again, I will continue to hope that I can find Trexia fan art at the next convention I go to so that I can keep the hive mind going for her. Even if she’s maybe a bad bounty hunter? At least we know she’s a clever girl.
(featured image: Lucasfilm)
Published: Jun 6, 2022 6:52 PM UTC