Someone I very much respect and admire once said (via Lindsay Lohan in a movie script) that Halloween is the one time of year when a woman can dress slutty and no one can give her crap for it. Which is great for those who welcome the opportunity, but the Halloween-industrial complex has gone a bit… erm, overboard with that idea. Don’t believe us? Let BuzzFeed demonstrate with some of the the weirdest and most inappropriate costumes on the market today, as modeled by pasty men.
Just remember, ladies and gentlebeings: you can wear whatever you want on Halloween, including pants if that’s what you would prefer. Except, you know, maybe don’t wear cultural caricatures or blackface, but that’s kind of a different concern. Pants for everyone who desires them!
(via Kotaku)
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Published: Oct 23, 2014 3:47 PM UTC