There are some men in Hollywood who are just so shiny and pure, so unproblematic, that we can find no fault, like Hugh Jackman, Paul Rudd, and of course, the king of kindness, and Keanu Reeves—and maybe the ever energized Jack Black, so what’s with this sudden social media chatter?
Jack Black has stirred the pot somewhat thanks to picking a political side, a surefire way to make a whole group of people hate you instantly, especially in the Divided States of America. The actor recently gave a rousing speech in support of President Biden’s 2024 election campaign. The speech was given in L.A. at the Peacock Theatre, where the Hollywood glitterati that support Biden gathered to raise upwards of $30 million for his campaign. Alongside Black, the event was attended by Jimmy Kimmel, George Clooney, and Julia Roberts.
Black rocked up to the event in a rather patriotic getup, wearing a Dark Brandon t-shirt underneath a pair of what he called his “kick-ass American flag overalls.” He went on to deliver a rather impassioned speech, which started with him joking about how much he had had to move around in his calendar to make sure he could attend the event.
A few days ago, my manager called me and said George Clooney and Julia Roberts wanted me to help out the president, and speak here tonight, and I said, “I am in. When and where?” And then they said, “Jack, we know how busy you are. You don’t have time. Look at all the other events that are happening tonight that you already turned down: emcee at the Fliegelman bat mitzvah, the opening of the new Jack in the Box in Oxnard, judge at the second annual Imperial Valley Avocado Festival.” You don’t see that on Meryl Streep’s résumé. I said, “I know I turned them down, but my president needs me.”
Black delivered his speech with his usual rip-roaring energy that had the crowd cheering and whooping. He talked about his mission to help out Biden, saying, “Because when democracy is at stake, Jack Black answers the call. Mr. President, you’re welcome.” The video of Black’s speech was posted to social media by the official Biden-Harris HQ campaign account and has since gone viral, though not everyone’s in love.
Predictably, here comes the hate
Of course, in a country so divided between left and right, Trump and Biden, Black has received both praise and backlash for his comments. Trump supporters are, unsurprisingly, just discovering that they don’t find the comedic actor funny anymore.
It’s funny when MAGA voters find out that someone they like doesn’t stand for the same things they believe in.
This supporter really thought he was making a statement here.
Of course, not all of the comments on the video were from Trump supporters; many loved seeing Black show his support.
Even pulling out the Jack Black classics to show support.
The use of Hollywood stars to promote politics has, as always, brought into question whether the “elite” and wealthy should be used to help win political campaigns. Many question how they can be in touch with “real” working-class problems. Celebrities and influential figures have been used for political reasons since time immemorial, but with an ever-growing gap between rich and poor, having the wealthy offer their opinion on who to vote for is leaving a stale taste in many people’s mouths.
This year’s election is yet another difficult one, with Trump’s fervent supporters behind him no matter what—and we mean no matter what—while Biden’s supporters are still critical of his handling of issues like the current Palestinian crisis. That has left many with no idea who to choose. Black’s endorsement will not bring the true Trump supporters into the Biden fold; they’re not moving for anyone or anything, so we have to wonder how effective these events are, and whether celebrity voices actually carry any weight at all.
That being said, we still love you, Black! Keep being the wonderful, effervescent creature that you are!
Published: Jun 24, 2024 3:57 PM UTC