The third and final film in the Jurassic World franchise, Jurassic World: Dominion, premiered in theaters on June 10, 2022. This highly anticipated film is the very first in the Jurassic Park franchise to explore the idea of humans and dinosaurs co-existing with one another. Not only that, but Jurassic World: Dominion will also see the original golden trio of Jurassic Park—Alan Grant (Sam Neill), Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern), and Dr. Ian Malcom (Jeff Goldblum)—reunited. This will be the first time Neill and Dern have reprised their roles since Jurassic Park III, which was over 20 years ago.
Neill and Dern will have equal screen time with the Jurassic World franchise leaders, Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. The two first starred in Jurassic World in 2015 as Owen Grady (Pratt) and Claire Dearing (Howard) and both were employed within the dinosaur theme park. Since the dinosaurs got loose, the two have stuck together in a mission to survive, as well as to advocate for the lives of the dinosaurs that escaped. After all, the dinosaurs shouldn’t have to suffer because of humanity’s errors. In Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, though, the dinosaurs’ home of Isla Nublar is destroyed. This leaves Grady and Dearing no other choice than to let the dinosaurs free among humanity.
As expected, human and dinosaur co-existence is a very shaky arrangement. Whether at a drive-in theater or in the middle of the ocean, humans can easily become unsuspecting targets of carnivorous dinosaurs. Meanwhile, the dinosaurs can also become targets of humans who have taken up dinosaur-hunting. Humans can’t appreciate the keen intelligence of some dinosaurs, such as Velociraptors, meaning even little Blue is in danger. Viewers will be anxious to see what the final consensus on dinosaur and human co-existence is at the end.
Does Jurassic World: Dominion have a post-credit scene?
While Jurassic World: Dominion is the final film of the trilogy, it definitely doesn’t spell the end of the franchise. Jurassic World: Dominion producer Frank Marshall has been open about his interest in continuing to do more with the Jurassic Park franchise, whether that be movies or TV series. Hence, we’re definitely going to be watching Jurassic World: Dominion closely to see if it potentially sets up another project. Meanwhile, the most likely place for them to hint at something more would be a post-credit scene.
Unfortunately, Jurassic World: Dominion does not have any post-credit or mid-credit scenes. Post-credit scenes have been a bit inconsistent in the Jurassic World franchise, after all. The first film didn’t have one, but Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom did have one. Ultimately, though, it makes sense as the creators may not be ready to tease another project just yet. Also, they obviously can’t tease another Jurassic World film now that the trilogy has concluded, so there likely wasn’t a real reason to have a post-credit scene, anyways.
(featured image: Universal Pictures)
Published: Jun 10, 2022 12:20 pm