Thor’s Jaimie Alexander Fans The Flames Of Rumorville By Talking About Warner Bros. Superhero Films & Wonder Woman

Great Hera!
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Oh, Jaimie Alexander, why do you do this to us? Hit the jump for what the actress recently said regarding details of the Man of Steel sequel and possible meetings with Warner Bros. 

While moderating the AMC movie panel at Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo yesterday, Alexander said some things that are literally driving me mad. According to a report from Forbes, she seemingly confirmed a third Thor film (yah!) but also confessed to something quite possibly much bigger. Forbes writes:

When the AMC panel discussion moved to whether or not there might some day be a Marvel-DC superhero team up movie, Jaimie Alexander caught everyone’s attention when she said she has had discussions with “both companies,” about superhero movies — “both” meaning Marvel and Warner Bros, of course.

That comment in and of itself doesn’t demand too much attention, I’m sure Hollywood folks chat with each other about all sorts of things just to chat, but then the conversation turned to Ben Affleck’s casting for Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel sequel. The actress says she has confidence in him playing Batman which “is bolstered by the fact he is so suited for the particular Batman portrayal in the film — and her reason for that certainty is, as she put it, she ‘kind of knows the story line for that movie.’”

Does that mean she actually knows more than the rest of us about the plot to the upcoming film, or just that she’s familiar with the Frank Miller story it’s meant to be taking inspiration from? We can’t speculate but I’ll be damned if my mind didn’t go straight to her playing Wonder Woman again.

Forbes caught up with Alexander post-panel and tried to get a little more information out of her regarding her comments:

“I would love for DC to put Wonder Woman in one of their upcoming flicks, either in her own movie or Batman vs. Superman, or just something even to introduce her.” Getting more to the point regarding her earlier comments, Alexander explained carefully, “Being in the comic book world, we know a lot of the same people at DC and Marvel, so we hear a lot of things, but it’s all speculation right now. But I would absolutely love that [Wonder Woman appearing in one of the upcoming films]. Thankfully and gratefully, I’m appreciative to the people who ask my opinion of the character, and that’s been pretty amazing.”

I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it – it would have made a lot of sense to introduce Wonder Woman in the Man of Steel sequel rather than Batman, especially considering current DC Comics continuity. Then Batman could have been snuck into the end and made into a feature for the third film, slowly building toward their Justice League film. That said, I don’t believe Warner Bros. will be attempting to place Wonder Woman into Man of Steel 2, they still have no idea what to do with her. Alexander gave her thoughts on the status of a Wonder Woman film to Forbes:

“I’m a huge fan of Wonder Woman. I really think if this is the closest that we’re ever going to get to Wonder Woman, then I’m proud to play Sif. I hope that other comic book entities can learn a lesson from Marvel in how to execute a female character the way it should be done.” Alexander also noted the lack of many female role models in entertainment, especially within the comic book film genre. However, she cautions that it shouldn’t be done too quickly or haphazardly. “I really would like to one day see a Wonder Woman film or Wonder Woman character, but until it’s done with class, I’d rather it not be done.”

I think most of us would agree with that ending sentiment. Alexander also gave props to Marvel and how they’re female characters are written. “They’ve done a tremendous job, especially in [Thor: The Dark World], of portraying women as strong and confident. And a side note is that, you know what? They’re pretty, they’re beautiful, inside and out. And that’s just a secondary. So they’ve really set the bar very high,” she said.

And as for women in real life?  “Be strong and confident in yourself, because we’re all different shapes and we’re all different people. The best thing is just to be yourself, because you’re the only person that’s you, nobody can duplicate you. So, you should take pride in yourself and pride in your body,” she told Forbs. “Don’t look at magazines and us actresses [as ideals], because we’re photoshopped. I look very different sometimes, my weight can fluctuate from 10 pounds less to 10 pounds heavier, and I’m okay with that. I really want to put it out there to young women to start with a healthy mind first, as Marvel writes their characters — start with the character first, and worry about physicality later.”

(via Forbes, image via RagamuffinGunner13 on Reddit)

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Jill Pantozzi
Jill Pantozzi is a pop-culture journalist and host who writes about all things nerdy and beyond! She’s Editor in Chief of the geek girl culture site The Mary Sue (Abrams Media Network), and hosts her own blog “Has Boobs, Reads Comics” ( She co-hosts the Crazy Sexy Geeks podcast along with superhero historian Alan Kistler, contributed to a book of essays titled “Chicks Read Comics,” (Mad Norwegian Press) and had her first comic book story in the IDW anthology, “Womanthology.” In 2012, she was featured on National Geographic’s "Comic Store Heroes," a documentary on the lives of comic book fans and the following year she was one of many Batman fans profiled in the documentary, "Legends of the Knight."