Jaimie Mantzel is something of a mad scientist, but the best possible kind of mad scientist. Inventor extraordinare, Mantzel lives in a house that he built in the woods, subsisting on a budget of about $2,000 a year, using the resultant free time and bonus money to do awesome crazy things like build giant walking robots. Recently he’s developed some awesome minature walking robots, with amazing toy weapon peripherals and crazy armor; a true dream toy. All he need now is a name.
I’ve been trying to come up with one myself, but all I can manage to spit out is “Awesome-tron” or “Give me it now!” or some sort of incoherent babbling with a lot of exclaimation points after it. Seriously, give the video a watch and see what the best you can come up with is. I was too envious of the kids who might get a chance to play with these to really form that many coherent thoughts. Maybe you’ll do a better job.
- EcoRobot-III can eat and poop to fuel itself
- These spider recon robots seem similar in form
- This might be one of the creepiest robots ever
Published: Feb 10, 2012 12:37 pm