Jesse Eisenberg researches all of his roles; he took fencing classes like Mark Zuckerberg to prepare for The Social Network, and in order to play Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman, Eisenberg’s been reading a thick stack of comics. The actor told Vulture that he noticed a few patterns:
There is this trove of stuff about this guy. A lot of it’s repetitive, like he always winds up on the roof of his building giving some faux benevolent talk about how he’s going to change the city. It’s fun to take that campy cartoony stuff and try to put it into a real person and try to reconcile the two.
What, Lex Luthor? Repetitive? Nahhh. Anyway, Eisenberg insists his portrayal will be a lot more grim than, say, Gene Hackman’s Luthor:
This movie is so different … it has real psychological underpinnings, and this movie character feels like a real scary person.
Seems like a lot of the folks involved with Batman v Superman have been insisting to the press that the movie is super serious, doesn’t it? First we heard how “intimidating” Wonder Woman would be, then Jason Momoa told us we wouldn’t laugh at his Aquaman, then Jeremy Irons told us that Alfred would be hands-on. We get it! It’s grim, it’s dark, it’s serious, and we won’t crack a smile even once. If you want quips, go watch one of those Marvel movies!
(via Newsarama, image via Superhero Hype)
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Published: Oct 5, 2015 5:19 PM UTC