John Boyega Shows Off His Pacific Rim 2 Look, and His Mysterious Detonator

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Here’s our very first glimpse at Pacific Rim 2‘s Jake Pentecost, the son of Stacker Pentecost, played by sci-fi stalwart John Boyega. We’ve gotten to see some on-set photos of Boyega’s costume before, wearing what appears to be this same outfit and sporting a totally bad-ass fade haircut. In this photo, you can’t quite make out the details on the haircut, let alone the jacket and boots, what with all that blue-tinged mood lighting and super-serious shoulder-hunching on John Boyega’s part. However, it’s definitely a cool photo of a futuristic doorway area that sets a lonesome tone for the upcoming movie.

Where do you think Jake Pentecost is seated during this photo? Some sort of warehouse or alleyway? And what is he holding, exactly? In the previous on-set photos, Boyega appeared to be holding a similar object. It looks like a detonator or possibly a container of some kind. I’m guessing it’s a remote or detonator, though, given the way that he’s looking at it in one of the old on-set photos.

Sadly, the image that Boyega uploaded to his Twitter is a low-resolution image. Even if you save it and try to zoom in on it–which, trust me, I did–you won’t be able to tell what exactly he’s holding. We’ll just have to wait and see whether young Jake Pentecost is a demolitions expert or what.

Oh, just a reminder: Pacific Rim 2 is officially called Pacific Rim: Uprising now, so wave goodbye to Pacific Rim: Maelstrom. The movie comes out on February 23, 2018.

(via io9, featured image via Gage Skidmore / Flickr)

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Maddy Myers
Maddy Myers, journalist and arts critic, has written for the Boston Phoenix, Paste Magazine, MIT Technology Review, and tons more. She is a host on a videogame podcast called Isometric (, and she plays the keytar in a band called the Robot Knights (