They stood on the shoulders of giants, and now thanks to a solid turn out at the Chinese box office, Jurassic Park has joined the exclusive club of movies that have grossed more than a billion dollars. Not bad for a wizened twenty year old.
There are only seventeen films over that fabled billion mark, and Jurassic Park is the oldest, followed by Titanic and Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, all films that have had recent 3D rereleases in theaters. The majority of the other seventeen (ten of them) are from the past three years.
JP just makes it over by the skin of its teeth, with a current 1.03 billion in grosses, helped by taking the #1 box office spot in China this past weekend. So it just goes to show that you can take something everybody pretty much thought to be a relic of the past, infuse it with some new technology (like maybe frog DNA), package it for the masses, and absolutely nothing will go wrong.
So congratulations, Steven Spielberg, you’ve finally got a movie over the 1 billion dollar mark. Unrelated: I move that we start calling dinosaurs smaller than the average human being tinysaurs. How does everybody feel about that?
(via The Wrap.)
Published: Aug 27, 2013 6:03 PM UTC