**Slight spoilers for Marvel’s Eternals lie within.**
Dane Whitman, as a Marvel Comics character, has a rich history, and his inclusion in Eternals had fans excited. Granted, we just got the introduction of him into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but still. It was a great way to bring a character like Dane/Black Knight into the fold, and having Kit Harington bring him to life is just that much better!
In Eternals, we meet Dane Whitman when he’s dating Sersei (Gemma Chan), one of the titular Eternals, and we learn very little about his family history. That honestly works incredibly well in the movie because we’re not overloaded with the Whitman/Ebony Blade history right off the bat. So, we can assume we’re going to see Dane and, subsequently, Black Knight, later in the MCU.
Still, not even Kit Harington is positive about where Dane is going next. Talking to The Hollywood Reporter, it is clear that Harington loved being a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and loved playing a character with rich comic-book lore like Dane Whitman.
The future of Black Knight
For fans, they’re waiting for Harington’s Dane to turn into Black Knight, something we got teased with in the end credit scenes. But he’s not sure where that will lead him or when we can see him.
“There is no roadmap that I know of at the moment. If they have ideas about where my character goes, I’m not privy to it,” Harington shared. “All I know is that when I came on board, they said, ‘There’s a really interesting future for this character, and if you read up about him, there are many different ways we could go with him.’ And that intrigues me. I’m fascinated by the idea that any character in any story is driven by some addiction to something. And with [Dane Whitman], it’s very palpable that this sword, this blade, has an addictive pull on him, and I find that really interesting.”
This all comes with the confirmation that the end of Eternals brings Mahershala Ali’s Blade into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. So, I’m assuming that Black Knight might end up in the Blade movie. Or maybe we’ll even see him sooner, seeing as Black Knight gained the trust of the Avengers in the comics by helping them take on Kang the Conqueror, who is coming in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.
So we really could see Black Knight pop up anywhere, especially if it is more aligned with the comics and Dane wants to be a hero. The future for Dane Whitman could take us anywhere. Hopefully, Black Knight continues to be a hero and break the Masters of Evil from the inside, because I’d love to see more of Kit Harington in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Who doesn’t want more Kit Harington?
(image: Marvel Entertainment)
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Published: Nov 5, 2021 5:59 PM UTC