Our Favorite Moments from The Legend of Korra: “Operation Beifong”

Family Drama, Cannons and Baby Daddy Bombs
This article is over 9 years old and may contain outdated information

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Spirit bombs blasting holes through mountains, metal bending battles and the Beifongs are all at the center of it! This episode is definitely an amazing one for earth bending enthusiasts. However, this episode doesn’t come without lightly touching on some deeper issues. One of those issues, Mother-Daughter drama in specific, has been striking a chord for fans.

Toph isn’t a great mom. While she cares about her friends and family, Toph’s tough love nature doesn’t leave much room for nurture. You don’t see many shows, much less animated ones, take on this heavy a topic. That moment you realize your parent isn’t the all-knowing omnipresent entity you imagined them to be, but instead a fallible person can be upsetting for kids at any age. Adults screw up, but most of them do care enough to want things to work out. It’s a subject that a lot of shows try to tackle and and fail. Korra’s writing team did a good job with this one. Is it simplistic? Yep. Is it way too easily resolved? Probably. However, it takes a tough concept and makes it not only understandable, but relatable. That takes talent, and it’s clear the Korra team has really hit a stride.

AND UHM, How about that baby daddy reveal?

So much OH SNAP even Rita Skeeter can't deal

So much OH SNAP even Rita Skeeter can’t deal

All family drama aside, this episode had some amazing moments! What were your favorites? Tell us your thoughts and theories in the comment section!

By day, Carrie is the co-creator, artist, and production coordinator for the webcomic Kamikaze . By night she’s a writer, budding comic nerd, and passionate feminist. Feel free to follow her on Twitter.

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