Starting today, up until July 30, LeVar Burton will be the guest host for Jeopardy!
Jeopardy! is a series that’s been a part of my life since I was a kid. It—along with other game shows—was a way that my mom and I would spend time together. Alex Trebek was a mainstay in her house, and while I could barely answer any of the questions, it was fun seeing how much trivia my mom knew and telling her that she was super duper smart and that she should go on Jeopardy!
Since the unfortunate loss of Alex Trebek back in November 2020, the series has been cycling through a series of guest hosts. One host that we have been collectively campaigning for is LeVar Burton, so much so that a petition was made to make him the new host—much to Burton’s warmhearted surprise and honor.
Even if nothing comes from it, I can’t tell how much how I appreciate all y’alls love and support! 🙏🏾♥️
Petition · Make LeVar Burton the next host of Jeopardy! ·
— LeVar Burton (@levarburton) November 12, 2020
That petition, according to Variety, reached over 250,000 signatures—and for good reason. Burton just feels like the most obvious choice to me. Am I being biased because he’s been my reading buddy since childhood? Yes, because when his name came up as a potential candidate, my exact reaction was as follows:
Oh, and:
On the one hand, I don’t blame Jeopardy! for going with a guest host approach, since this is probably the biggest game show gig in the galaxy. On the other hand …
This is step 1.
Step 2 is @levarburton becomes permanent host.
Step 3 – which is guaranteed, @Jeopardy – is that interest in Jeopardy surges, new and diverse viewers tune in, and the show takes a bow for making the wisest possible move it could ever make. Mark my words!
— Joshua DuBois (@joshuadubois) April 21, 2021
— Dr. Raven the Science Maven (@ravenscimaven) April 21, 2021
We did it!!!!! 🌈 LeVar Burton is guest hosting. Next step full time host!
— Qondi 💛 🐝 🇺🇸🇿🇦🇿🇼 (@QondiNtini) April 21, 2021
I mean … look at him!
Guest host @levarburton is reading next week’s clues and categories!
As part of his appearance, Jeopardy! will donate to his chosen charity, Reading Is Fundamental. @RIFWEB
— Jeopardy! (@Jeopardy) July 25, 2021
Burton spoke with the Associated Press about his time as guest host on Jeopardy! Here, he revealed how scared he was about the gig because of how much Jeopardy! means to people and how hard it’ll be to take the place of someone who’s been doing it for 37 years (the man was like butter, accord to Burton). When his wife, professional makeup artist Stephanie Cozart Burton, told him it didn’t feel like he was being himself after the first taping he did, Burton made sure to take her advice to heart:
I made it my business for the next four chances at-bat to just be myself, to forget about the procedure, to forget about the process, stop trying, stop focusing on the wrong thing. You’re not going to be smooth as Alex, let go of that. But what you can bring to the table is you. So that became my point of focus. And when it did, I started having fun.
The entire interview is a delightful read, one that shows how relatable Burton is and how he can bring that comfortable energy to Jeopardy! With his love for educating people and his natural warm hug charm, he feels like the perfect choice to stand at that podium.
Burton will host Jeopardy! from July 26 to 30, followed by David Faber (Aug. 2-6) and Joe Buck (Aug. 9-13), and as his daughter, actress/cosplayer/host/all-around amazing human Mica Burton, says:
For every person who tunes in to watch my dad host Jeopardy this week (Monday July 26th – Friday 30th), I will give my puppy a kiss on the head and tell her she’s a good girl. Want my dog to know she’s the goodest girl in the world?? PLEASE TUNE IN AND TELL EVERYONE TO AS WELL 💖
— Mica Burton (@MicaBurton) July 24, 2021
Do it for Mica’s puppy, y’all!
And because LeVar Burton’s pretty dang neat.
(image: Jeopardy!)
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Published: Jul 26, 2021 4:11 PM UTC