Shristi Sharma, an eleven year old girl from India, just claimed the Guinness World Record for “Lowest limbo skating over 25m,” thanks to her impressive split and her ankle flexibility. As you can see in the video, Sharma doesn’t touch the ground at any point throughout the course of her skate — not even with her hands, which she keeps tucked behind her legs. She holds her body parallel to the ground throughout the entire length. The bars she’s gliding under are just 17 cm off the ground — or 6.69 inches, depending on how you want to measure it.
Shristi has previously held the record for “lowest limbo skating over 10m,” but got surpassed by a fellow Indian limbo skater Shilpa Kamdi in October 2015. Now that Shristi has skated an impressive 25 meters, she’s setting a high bar (sorry) for anyone who hopes to surpass her!
This successful attempt was organized by Lokmat Media Pvt Ltd in order to benefit the Save a Girl Child Organization, which seeks to create awareness about the systematic gender discrimination that girls in India face.
(via Laughing Squid)
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Published: Mar 23, 2016 12:04 pm