In the past couple of days LulzSec has been up to, well, a lot. After snagging and releasing 62,000 passwords last Thursday, LulzSec celebrated its 1000th twitter post with a mission statement of sorts, calling attention to the fact that they don’t need to be bragging about all the targets they’ve hit and touching on their motivations for doing so. Their 1000th post statement says:
Do you think every hacker announces everything they’ve hacked? We certainly haven’t, and we’re damn sure others are playing the silent game. Do you feel safe with your Facebook accounts, your Google Mail accounts, your Skype accounts? What makes you think a hacker isn’t silently sitting inside all of these right now, sniping out individual people, or perhaps selling them off? You are a peon to these people. A toy. A string of characters with a value.This is what you should be fearful of, not us releasing things publicly, but the fact that someone hasn’t released something publicly.
And while they might not be announcing everything they hack, they certainly have confirmed (and denied) a few other conquests in the past few days. For instance, they are NOT going after Anonymous, and they weren’t the ones who hit SEGA Pass but instead are looking to avenge SEGA because they love the Dreamcast. They did, however, keep themselves busy before taking the weekend off by taking down and by request, presumably for the lulz.
Early this morning, when the Lulz Boat came back from its weekend at sea, LulzSec announced the commencement of the Anti-Security (AntiSec) project, a project that, according to LulzSec, “endorse[s] the flaunting of the word “AntiSec” on any government website defacement or physical graffiti art.”
This open the recruitment call to anyone seems to be an attempt to organize a kind of decentralized navy rallying under the AntiSec banner. LulzSec confirmed a few more attacks after the announcement, but nothing further has been said concerning the nature of AntiSec, its targets or its participants. Given the increasingly decentralized nature of the situation, those specific factors might not even be that important. It remains to be seen how AntiSec will play out, but you can be sure that whatever happens, hackers will keep on hacking.
(via Mashable, LulzSec Twitter/Homepage)
Published: Jun 20, 2011 10:22 PM UTC