Lynda Carter was the first Wonder Woman that we got to see in live-action form. It’s been a long time coming for Wonder Woman fans to see her join the ranks of Batman and Superman in live action, and we cherished the stories we got with Carter’s run on Wonder Woman from 1975-1979. Now, Carter has become an icon all on her own, outside of her role, and she’s releasing a new song based on the love story between Diana Prince and Steve Trevor.
The Hollywood Reporter spoke with Lynda Carter about her new single that she says was inspired by Chris Pine’s Steve Trevor and Gal Gadot’s Diana Prince and the story that took form in Wonder Woman 1984, a movie that had Carter return to the world of Wonder Woman as Asteria. Releasing “Human and Divine,” it is clear that this relationship means a lot to her.
“Music is in our souls. It’s in our hearts, our minds and in our bodies. We mark events with certain kinds of music and we attribute love to certain kinds of music,” Carter told The Hollywood Reporter. “Love is where the human and divine come together. I was vulnerable and inspired while I was writing this song. That creative seed began with my own great love and that is where it still lives, in my heart and the love for my husband.”
Carter suffered the loss of her husband, Robert Altman, in the beginning of 2021, and the song reflects not only the love that Diana Prince continued to have for Steve Trevor but also that loss and love she shared in her own life. But Carter also went on to talk about the inspiration further and how it is a universal feeling.
“When Patty Jenkins cast me as Asteria in the Wonder Woman 1984 movie, the song and lyric then became about the love between Steve and Diana,” said Carter. “However, I quickly realized this is the love we all yearn for. It is an anthem to the great love stories of the ages. My hope is that this song will inspire the connection to the love in your own life.”
Carter went on to say, “What still exists is human… and that is love. There is a divine quality that we have… it’s within our power to choose to react in a loving and thoughtful way or not to. And that is where I would like the song to live.”
I love Diana Prince and Steve Trevor very much. WonderTrev has been my favorite for as long as I can remember, and having this song reflect their love as well as that love we all yearn for that Carter talked about is a great thing for us Wonder Woman fans to have, and I can’t wait to all cry about Diana and Steve together.
(image: Warner Bros.)
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Published: Oct 28, 2021 9:09 PM UTC