I know we’re all super hype for Lin-Manuel Miranda to host SNL on the 8th, but let’s not forget this Saturday we’re going to see Suicide Squad’s Margot Robbie host alongside musical guest The Weeknd. Judging from this promo of first-time Saturday Night Live host Robbie hanging out with Emmy-winner Kate McKinnon for some pre-premiere pre-party wine overlooking the Empire State Building, it’s going to be a good night. To be fair, I’d watch the heck out of an entire episode of just McKinnon and Robbie hanging out.
Listening to McKinnon talk about sneaking a raccoon on the set and Robbie confess to being a felon really made me realize how wrong I’ve been doing “girl talk” all my life. Did this entire promo pass the Bechdel-Wallace test? Yes, yes it did.
Don’t feel bad if you weren’t invited though, because as McKinnon says, “It’s a very exclusive list.” Do you have high hopes for SNL‘s 42nd season?
(via Vulture)
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Published: Sep 28, 2016 9:46 PM UTC