As always, we should really listen to the true Jedi master.
Luke Skywalker—er, Mark Hamill, but what’s the difference?—isn’t here for the president, and he’s tired of letting men run the world. The actor often takes to Twitter to share his opinions on politics, the state of the world, and whatever issues are currently up for discussion. Most recently, he tackled the subject of the United States Congress.
This year’s election was record-breaking, putting Democrats back in the lead in the House of Representatives, but more importantly, women were big winners this time around.
99 women took seats in Congress in the November 6th election, and 86 of those seats went to Democrats. What’s even better is that a lot of those 86 seats were taken by women of color. A picture was going around of the wonderful women heading to Capitol Hill for orientation as new members of Congress, and Hamill decided to share his thoughts.
For centuries, men have had their chance to rule government with middling-to-poor results. Who’s ready to let women take charge completely? Just women. I know I am.
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) November 13, 2018
This isn’t the first time he has talked about politics or, more specifically, Donald Trump. He’s very vocal about how much he doesn’t like the president, often leading some of his “fans” to complain that he gets too into politics.
Hoped to tweet something NOT political. Many complain I do that too often. Then our “President” w/ his usual sense of dignity & decency called a woman “Horseface”(while misspelling her name)-Glad he admitted he’s “a total con” in the last line of his message, though! #NiceJobTiny
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) October 16, 2018
I say let him get as political as he wants—after all, it’s not like he’s literally throwing Senate seats at anyone or anything …
Ever since the death of Carrie Fisher, it’s almost as if he has taken on the mantle of being our “space dad” and telling us that it’ll be okay, despite how the president is acting.
When Pinocchio Sees Geppeto: the expressions speak volumes.#PutinsPuppet
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) November 11, 2018
Time and again, Mark has been vocal about his disgust and his willingness to try to change the world. Maybe that change is women, and he’s clearly ready to see it happen. We’ve tried men being in charge since the dawn of the United States—and that’s just talking about this country—so maybe now is the time to see a change.
And if anyone knows about women in charge, it’s Mark Hamill. His sister is General Leia Organa, after all. We’re always happy to have his support, but it seems like we might be going in that direction no matter who is or isn’t ready.
(image: Disney/Lucasfilm)
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Published: Nov 13, 2018 9:07 PM UTC