One more! #TheFlash @WhatsFilming
— Bruna Skrzypek (@BrunaSkrzypek) October 19, 2016
A fan recently caught this photo of The Flash filming in Vancouver. In it, we see Mark Hamill looking decidedly clownish. So…are we finally having our dreams come true? Is Mark Hamill finally playing a live-action Joker, a role that he’s voiced so brilliantly for so long in animation? Well….maybe?
It’s probably good to note that Hamill already has a Flash history, having played the Trickster on the show previously. However, it’s pretty difficult to ignore how distinctly Joker-like he looks in this photo. Then again, maybe this is Trickster paying homage to the Clown Prince of Crime as one of his favorite pranking criminals?
Then again, since we are currently exploring alternate universes on The Flash these days, Hamill could be playing the Joker from another Earth!
Whatever the reason, this sure is an awesome sight to see! What are your theories, gang?
(via Newsarama, featured image via Warner Bros. Television)
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Published: Oct 20, 2016 10:11 PM UTC