Mark Hamill loves all the Jokers. Every single one! They’re all great in their own way.
We already know that Mark Hamill is a very gracious and kind person. After all, he forgave us for spelling his name wrong, that one time. All in all, he seems like a real class act, which is why I wasn’t surprised to hear that apparently, Hamill said he has enjoyed every single portrayal of the Joker thus far. Yes, even Jared Leto’s controversial portrayal in Suicide Squad (or, at least, it was controversial with me, because I didn’t think it was very good).
According to Polygon, Hamill “loved” Jared Leto’s twist on the role, although that’s their word–they don’t have an exact quote from Hamill saying that. They do quote Hamill as saying that there’s never been a Joker that made him say, “That was terrible.” There’s also this direct quote from him:
“Everyone brings a different spin to the character and you have to look at each script separately. I don’t think there’s a definitive version of the Joker and I don’t think there can be. It’s like Hamlet, really. It’ll be constantly redefined.”
Like I said, the guy’s a class act. He went on to say that he understood why some fans weren’t happy with the super-gritty direction that the DC movies have taken, and emphasized that if fans don’t like the movies, they should continue to voice their opinions, because filmmakers do take notice of that response.
Admittedly, Suicide Squad and Batman v Superman managed to rake in the cash at the box office, in spite of the fact that both movies got panned by critics (not just here at The Mary Sue, either–like, across the board). I think that speaks to the fact that fans of these characters really want to see them on the silver screen, and are willing to go to see that happen even if it’s somewhat disappointing, simply because seeing it at all feels exciting.
I do hope that Mark Hamill is correct in saying that even though the box office returns have been good, DC’s creative teams will still be paying attention to the critical reception and the fans’ responses. Since we’re all apparently going to see them anyway, it would be nice if these movies were, y’know, good. In any case, it sounds like Mark Hamill will enjoy them no matter what!
(via Polygon, image via Photobucket)
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Published: Nov 17, 2016 01:11 pm