Mark Hamill Records More of Trump’s Tweets as The Joker: “Having Done Villains for So Long, You Do Recognize Rich Dialogue”

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Remember when Mark Hamill recorded himself reading one of Trump’s tweets in the voice of the Joker, earlier this month? Well, he’s baaa-aaack.

Even though Hamill labeled his original Trump tweet with a “#1,” suggesting that there would be more to follow, he took a while before deciding to record his second one–and, even though he’s done three in total by now, he seems to have mixed feelings about the idea. “I don’t want to make it an ongoing thing,” he told HuffPo.

However, when Trump made fun of Meryl Streep’s speech, Mark Hamill said that “nobody could ignore” the golden opportunity to do a second rendition of his comedic bit:

Not too long after that, another opportunity presented itself on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, due to Trump’s statements on Representative John Lewis. To that, Mark Hamill said, “I mean, my jaw hit the ground. That one I felt I almost had a moral obligation to do.”

This is certainly a bittersweet and dark form of comedy, given that Hamill is merely recreating Trump’s statements word-for-word, and not embellishing upon them in any way: “Having done villains for so long, you do recognize rich dialogue. In a bipartisan way, these are his words… not mine. The fact that they sound perfect coming out of such a demented character, that speaks for itself.”

Hamill does realize that as a celebrity, he’s not a political expert, and he isn’t doing this for attention on himself, but rather to draw more people’s attention to Trump’s actual statements–and, of course, to encourage people to evaluate those statements. Hamill elaborated,

“I totally agree with people who say, ‘Ah you’re a celebrity, shut up, we don’t want to hear your opinion.’ But I’m also a citizen. They’re entitled to their opinion, as well. I’m not interested in telling other people how to vote. I mean, honestly, I think this man has showed us who he is, and if you find that acceptable in a president, more power to you, that’s what America is all about.”

Right on.

(via CBR, image via Mark Hamill/Twitter)

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Maddy Myers
Maddy Myers, journalist and arts critic, has written for the Boston Phoenix, Paste Magazine, MIT Technology Review, and tons more. She is a host on a videogame podcast called Isometric (, and she plays the keytar in a band called the Robot Knights (