Mark Hamill, my beloved Internet uncle, has once again gifted us with a dramatic interpretation of President Trump’s Tweets as read by The Joker. This time, Hamill tackles Trump’s unhinged Tweetstorm alleging that President Obama had him wiretapped prior to the election.
When he isn’t busy being the last of the Jedi, Hamill voices DC Comics’ Joker in animated series and video games (he started with Batman: The Animated Series in 1992). Since Trump’s election, Hamill has added some cackling levity to the President’s reactive, over-the-top and awkwardly worded Tweets by recording them as the Joker. As such, Hamill shows us how terrifyingly well Trump’s statements fit into the mouth of a warped supervillain.
Listen to the latest masterpiece:
I totally believe the paranoid Joker would accuse Batman of high-tech spying on his lair. But lest we forget, this actually happened in real life: the current President of the United States accused the former of illegal activity with no evidence (he was likely reading Breitbart) to his 26.1 million followers. And he spelled “tap” as “tapp.”
(via Moviepilot, image via Warner Bros. Animation and Evan Al-Amin/Shutterstock)
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Published: Mar 7, 2017 8:57 PM UTC