Marvel To Film Netflix TV Shows in New York City, So Suck It, Los Angeles

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What, LA, you think you’re better than us with your Mediterranean climate and your giant television studios? Well you can cool it over there, pal, because Marvel just announced that they’ll be filming their Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and Jessica Powers shows in New York, where we’ll get to stalk them at our leisure. (And we will!)

This isn’t too surprising considering that the Daredevil character is based in Hell’s Kitchen, a neighborhood of Manhattan, but it’s not as if television studios have never set a show in NYC but filmed it somewhere else instead. And trust me when I tell you that people who live in New York can always, always tell when that’s the case. Those shows are always too clean, the streets are too far apart from each other in wide shots, and the writers always tend to make very obvious mistakes about street names and neighborhoods. I’ll never forget the one time I was watching Castle a few seasons back and somebody referred to Sixth Ave by the official never-ever-actually-uttered-out-loud name of “Avenue of the Americas” and I had to pause the episode, I was so flabbergasted. The only person I’ve ever heard say that name out loud before is my 86 year old grandma, and she was there when they gave it that name.

But this is exciting for New Yorkers for a bunch of other reasons, of course. The Netflix-sponsored project will reportedly will create at least three thousand jobs in New York State, 400 of which will be full-time. It’s also set to begin filming in the summer of 2014, which gives us here at Team Geekosystem plenty of time to figure out the most optimal way to be extras in every single one of those 60 one-hour episodes and then become best friends with everybody on the set and get cast as Daily Bugle correspondents, or something. It’s going to be great and you’re all going to be jealous, so there.

“New York is where the entertainment industry started, and this unprecedented commitment from Disney and Marvel is further evidence that we’re bringing it back bigger and better than ever before,” said Governor Andrew Cuomo in a statement put out by Marvel. But it’s okay, LA — at least you guys aren’t so covered in snow that you don’t remember what the ground looks like. Maybe we’re more bitter about that than anything else.

(via Marvel)

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