The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a blueprint everyone is trying to follow these days, but even Marvel has to come to terms with the realities behind all that interconnectivity. It might be fun to see, say, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage come to the big screen and help out the Avengers, but it’s not likely to happen for logistical reasons more than anything else.
That’s what Marvel TV head Jeph Loeb explained at the Luke Cage panel for the Television Critics Association. (The TCA summer press tour is happening right now, so you’ll probably see a lot of TV news over the coming weeks.) He explained that, while some movie characters have managed to make appearances or cameos on TV, that’s probably all we’re likely to get between the two divisions of the MCU—in addition to all the obvious dialogue references.
/Film reports that Loeb said, “I can tell you that part of the challenge of doing this sort of thing is that the movies are planned out years in advance of what it is that we are doing. Television moves at an incredible speed. The other part of the problem is that when you stop and think about it, if I’m shooting a television series and that’s going to go on over a six-month or eight-month period, how am I going to get Mike [Colter] to be able to go be in a movie? I need Mike to be in a television show.”
Of course, because this is Marvel, Loeb also teased that “anything is possible,” which is sure to put our/your imaginations into overdrive. Even more enticing is that he mentioned that—if they were to do it—they’d prefer for the characters to really get their due rather than just walking through a scene as an Easter egg.
You know … the Defenders crossover of all the Netflix Marvel shows is supposed to be coming in 2017, and Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 in 2018, and Part 2 in 2019. Seems like there might be some wiggle room in schedules there … But I’ll leave the rampant speculation there for now.
(image via Marvel Entertainment/Netflix)
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Published: Jul 29, 2016 3:05 PM UTC