It was an off-color week here at The Mary Sue, but don’t blame your friendly neighborhood editors. Judging from this week’s comments, you all have phallic Play-D on your hands. If you don’t have Terminator tush instead, that is:
In other nether-region news, this week heralded the rise of Play-Doh’s peen-shaped “Extractor” Toy, which as Daniel Head points out, is actually consistent with Hasbro’s mission statement: “As the commercials say ‘fun to play with, not to eat.'”
This week we learned about the world’s first dating site for cows, which infinitysharkv0 says, “I heard Iron Bull from DAI has this as his homepage.”
That new Ant-Man trailer reminded Míchæl Valenzilla of an entire school for ants! Sorry, Marvel, Derek Zoolander/Ant-Man jokes will never fail to amuse me.
Scarlet Sasquatch had some suggestions for Hasbro’s revised Extruder: “Maybe put protrusions on it to distort the shape? Something, I don’t know, rib-like for instance? I’m just throwing out ideas here.”
Seriously, though. You guys had a lot of opinions about the Extruder getting the shaft:
Happy New Year, you filth mongers.
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Published: Jan 2, 2015 06:30 pm