Today is the last day of our “oops that was an entire week, huh” cosplay celebration for My Hero Academia. Before we begin, I wanna say thank you to everyone who participated, everyone who shared these amazing cosplayers, and all the fans who are just as excited as I am to see Class 1A back in action! We have three more cosplayers to feature – myself included because no one lets me off the hook when it comes to cosplay, lol.
Season 5 of My Hero Academia is airing over on Funimation right now, which you can check out right over here! The first four seasons are also available (dubbed and subbed) in case you need to catch up. In case you’re new to My Hero Academia, you can check out this nifty write-up that delves into what the series is all about (and why I talk about it so much). You can also check out my review of the first episode of season 5 here.
Oh, and Funimation is sharing the features, too, along with the official My Hero Academia Twitter account!
Luna Bean

Photographer: Vonreid Photography
What inspired you to cosplay the character you’re cosplaying?
As a Black woman, I personally resonated with Deku because he was born into a society where he didn’t have an equal shot due to circumstances beyond his control but kept reaching for his goals despite the people who discouraged him. I have great affection for Deku.
What are you looking forward to with season 5?
More Deku lol.
What are some of your favorite My Hero Academia moments? I know there’s a lot, but try and keep it at three?
-When Deku cried in the street after All Might said he could become a hero.
-When Deku fought Bakugo during the training exercise.
-When All Might pointed to Deku after “defeating” All For One.
Basically any Deku scene.
Social media time! Tell us where we can find you! Give me as many links as you want. Twitter? TikTok? Patreon? I want it all!
SnowCosplays (AKA: My seamstress wife who keeps enabling my cosplay, lol!)
What inspired you to cosplay the character you’re cosplaying?
There’s too many characters to choose from, so I did my own take on the U.A. uniform and hand-painted as many characters as I could along the sides of the dress.
What are you looking forward to with season 5?
Seeing how the relationship between Deku and Bakugou grows now that they’ve fought it out and delving more into the Todoroki family after Endeavor’s big moment in season 4.
What are some of your favorite My Hero Academia moments? I know there’s a lot, but try and keep it at three?
I love Froppy’s internship and when Tamaki went all out against Overhaul’s men.
Social media time! Tell us where we can find you! Give me as many links as you want. Twitter? TikTok? Patreon? I want it all!
Brichibi Cosplays (ME!)
What inspired you to cosplay the character you’re cosplaying?
I actually really adore how much of a mess All Might is. You start the series thinking he’s well put together then, overtime, it becomes more apparent that he has a LOT to learn, especially when it comes to teaching the next generation. He pushes himself way too hard, misses important cues (like Bakugo’s mental health), and doesn’t have all the answers. He keeps trying, though, and openly admits to his faults and works to do better. I think it’s important to show that adults don’t know everything and still have room for growth.
Also, I thought “Ball Might” would be fun, lol. I designed the dress and my wife made it. We’re thinking of making it even more elaborate later, sadly this was made last year for the con season that never happened, so I hadn’t really thought about it until now.
What are you looking forward to with season 5?
Class 1A vs Class 1B, more Shinsou, and more answers about One For All. Oh, and new outfits, lol, saw them in the opening and am already excited.
Everything else is a manga spoiler.
What are some of your favorite My Hero Academia moments? I know there’s a lot, but try and keep it at three?
Why would I do this to myself? Okay…
-Deku vs Kacchan 2.
-That part where Iida and Todoroki shared lunch with Deku and let him cry about what was happening with Overhaul (even if they didn’t know that’s what was going on).
-Mirio at the beginning of season 5 falling over the bridge on purpose so the kids could rescue him. His nonchalant attitude was hilarious.
Social media time! Tell us where we can find you! Give me as many links as you want. Twitter? TikTok? Patreon? I want it all!
And that’s it! Once again, thank you so much for checking out all of these features, and be sure to watch My Hero Academia! PLUS ULTR-… oh, yeah, I should share one more picture before I end this.
So back in 2019, after being engaged for, like, ever, my wife and I decided to run off and get married. We’d had this idea of a Mortal Kombat theme, then Utena, but we both fell REAL hard into My Hero Academia and she said, “What if I just altered some dresses to look like Bakugo and Deku?”
My response? “Do I get to wear red tennis shoes?”
Keep going beyond, kids!
(Image: Luna Bean, SnowCosplays, and Brichibi Cosplays)
Published: Apr 2, 2021 4:18 PM UTC