This baby’s dad has a twin brother, and they look so similar that the baby just can’t tell them apart. Ordinarily, you could just play a game of peek-a-boo with a baby and let them “find” you again, but in this case, the baby just keeps finding their Dad over and over and over again. Dad is everywhere!!
This is mostly adorable because the baby never seems too stressed out about any of this, or seems to think that the memory of being away from Dad (or Dad’s twin?) is bothersome at all. The baby just keeps on reaching for Dad, over and over again, with no memory of already being in Dad’s arms.
Memory is cool, huh? The formation of memories and the slow understanding of the world is pretty amazing to watch. Eventually, this baby is going to be completely used to having a dad with a twin brother, and will totally be able to tell those two guys apart. But for this snapshot in time, it’s still magical.
(via Tumblr)
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Published: May 30, 2016 08:25 am