Marc Spector and Steven Grant started off a bit on the wrong foot. Steven thought he just had some very vivid dreams, only to learn that there was someone else sharing his body. He then learned of Marc Spector’s name and his connection to the Egyptian God named Khonshu all rather quickly. So we start off the second episode of the season with Steven thinking it was all yet another dream only to quickly discover that his life isn’t exactly as he thought it was.
In “Summon the Suit,” Marc and Steven’s lives converge with the inclusion of Marc’s wife Layla (played by May Calamawy) as Steven has to try and explain to her that he is Steven Grant, not Marc Spector. And in doing so, he continues to talk with Marc throughout the episode as he’s searching for answers.
It begins with Steven getting fired from the museum over the very real fight that happened at the end of the first episode. From there, Marc and Steven are talking to each other a bit more frequently than we saw in episode 1.
What I loved about this episode is that Steven and Marc began to understand each other, and while Steven is still learning about what’s going on with his life and how it compares to Marc’s, he’s at least more open to listening to Marc than panicking, as he rightfully did in the first episode.
Mr. Knight vs. Moon Knight
In this episode, we get to see the Mr. Knight suit for the first time and it isn’t a surprise that it’s wrapped up in Steven Grant’s very British nature. Marc mocks him at one point, asking what they’re wearing, but the dapper three-piece look fits with the kind of person we know Steven to be and what his idea of a “suit” would be without knowing what the Moon Knight suit is.
The Mr. Knight suit seems to have the same powers that Marc has in the Moon Knight suit and is … quite hot. I don’t want to objectify but it’s not my fault that they gave us Oscar Isaac in a suit. That’s completely on Disney, Marvel, and the creatives behind Moon Knight.
But looking into both the Moon Knight suit and the Mr. Knight suit, you can see a clear difference in who both Marc and Steven are. Marc is willing to serve Khonshu and do his bidding in the suit that he is given. Steven, who is pushed aside by Khonshu and almost banished by Marc (until Steven has control of the body), takes his own sort of honest approach to summoning the suit and just, well, summons a suit.
Both Khonshu and even Marc at the start label Steven as the “idiot” and act like he’s a fool and yet Steven had the smartest choice in that moment and didn’t try to reach out to Khonshu to help he just did what he thought he was being asked and in return, we got him in a three-piece suit so who really won here?
Two men, one body
Steven Grant and Marc Spector are two alters in the same body and, personally I expected that they’d only interact in “give me the body” discussions or asking each other for help. I didn’t think it would be so relationship-based and such a shared space that’s been a welcome surprise. It’s honestly lovely to see the growth of Steven and Marc’s relationship with each other.
When Steven throws a punch in the Mr. Knight suit, Marc compliments him. Steven keeps referring to Marc in an almost affectionate way and, as the season progresses, we do get to see them respect each other more and more.
I’ve found that their relationship is … weirdly important to me. The two obviously are sharing the same body but they are trying to navigate this world they’re in with Harrow together and it’s sweet to watch that unfold.
Getting answers together
The two are taken to see Harrow sort of against their will as Harrow sends “police officers” to get him. As he’s looking around Harrow’s cult, Marc chimes in on what not to say and begs for the body. While a fight breaks out and Steven has to summon his own suit to fight a jackal, he eventually gives Marc the body back and Steven quickly learns how hard it is to take the body over when you are not the alter in control.
Their dynamic isn’t yet perfect and it is still a battle of will, as we saw with Marc in control, refused to let Steven take back over. So exploring this in the future, especially in relation to how they both react to Layla, is going to be interesting to see.
(image: Marvel Entertainment)
Published: Apr 6, 2022 9:55 PM UTC