More Hobbit pictures! More dwarves! And now we have five confirmed dwarves in their full dwarvish glory! The picture above was released by Yahoo! Movies and features the two newest additions to Peter Jackson‘s adaptation, Óin, who is being played by John Callen and Glóin, played by Peter Hambleton. Also worth noting: These dwarves are brothers, and Glóin is the father of Gimli, who later joined the Fellowship of the Ring. Glóin one of the few married dwarves in the Tolkien universe, and apparently, his wife was a very hot bearded lady dwarf.
Bleeding Cool provides this introduction:
Distant cousins of Thorin Oakenshield, these two doughty Northern Dwarves join the Company out of a sense of loyalty to their kin, and also because they have a substantial sum of money invested in the venture. Along with Bombur, Glóin is the only other married Dwarf in the Company (there being a shortage of female dwarves in general). His wife is an acclaimed beauty with a particularly fine beard. Glóin is the proud father of a young son, Gimli, who will go on to become part of the famous Fellowship of the Ring.
Previously, we saw a similarly-styled picture of Nori, Ori, and Dori in their full dwarf regalia, being played respectively by Jed Brophy, Adam Brown, and Mark Hadlow. This really must have been an interesting day in the Sears Portrait Studio.
Published: Jul 8, 2011 01:48 pm